Adella Barlow Bigham was born in Etna (Grouse Creek Ward), Box Elder County, Utah on December 18, 1910 to Jesse and Annie Paskett Barlow. She was the sixth child and the first girl. . Her brothers and sisters are: Joseph Lester, Emma, Roy Jesse, Francis, Louise, Sidney, and Inez LaVern.
Her early childhood was spent on a small ranch in Etna, until 1922 when the school in Etna was abandoned. The Barlow family moved to Grouse Creek to the Joseph S. Barlow Jr. home where Adella lived with them, went to school and was taught the Golden Rule and homemaking, etc. which she lived by all her life. She was a good mother, a good homemaker, a good friend and no one had a nicer sweeter sister. She was a quiet person and a hard worker. She didn’t gossip about people. She worked in Lucin, Box Elder, Utah for Mrs Vincente Erquiaga for several years in the hotel there. In about 1938 or 39 she left Lucin and went to Salt Lake City where she shared an apartment with her sister LaVern and brothers J. Lester and Francis Barlow. Her brothers were soon married and Adella followed by marrying Jess Bigham on January 1, 1940 in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Roy, Lester, Francis, Emma, Annie, Adella and Jesse Barlow
She settled down in Salt Lake, City and raised a family of four children, Norma Ruth, Mable (Midge), Fred and Theodore (Ted). Adella, Jess and family loved to travel, fishing and Jess liked hunting. He had two children, Stewart and Betty when Adella married him and both are deceased. Teddy died in the Vietnam War which was hard for Adella the two years later Jess died. Adella was alone as her family was all married and moved away, the girls to California and Fred to Portland, Oregon. She busied herself with luncheons, going shopping, going to California to visit for the holidays, etc. and going to the Barlow family reunions. Her health seemed to be good; she would have a doctor’s checkup before she went on these trips. She was very thoughtful, never forgetting birthdays or holidays. She will be missed and we love her.
Adella Barlow Bigham age 79, died of a massive heart attach March 26, 1990 in the Hill Haven Convalescent Home in Salt Lake City, Utah and is buried in the Mt Olive Cemetery, Salt Lake City, Utah.