Viril J. Kimber was born March 5, 1922 in Etna, Utah, a son of Joseph A. and Bertha Taylor Kimber.
His brother and sisters are: Eula, Lela and Irvin.
He was reared and educated in Grouse Creek, Utah
During World War II he served as a glider pilot and radio operator, serving 34 missions over Europe.
He married Lois Twitchel on March 12, 1945 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.
His children are: Sherry, Chauna, Joan, Cindy and Kelly.
Viril worked as a letter carrier for the US Postal Service and was owner of an upholstery business.
He was an active member of the LDS Church and served as Bishop, High Councilor and for 18 years as an ordinance worker in the Jordan River Temple. He also served as a Stake Missionary and two full time missions to Guam and Tallahassee, Florida.
He loved to dance and served as Stake and Ward Dance director for many years. He loved his children dearly and gave his time freely to them.

Velma Kimber, Viril Kimber, Barbara Kimber, Evva Lee, Virginia Warburton, Emma Paskett, Max Tanner & Gerald Warburton
He was a true craftsman who created everything from furniture to games and toys. He loved to fish, camp and go hunting. He had a great sense of humor and enjoyed life.
If there is one word that describes his life it would be service. He will be remembered as a patient, loving friend who was accepting of others, never judging.
Viril passed away on August 17, 2004 and interned in the Utah Veterans Memorial Park.