William Pope Paskett was born on March 14, 1855 at Tetbury, Gloucestershire. His parents were James Pope Paskett and Charlotte Buckingham. He had two brothers, John Curtis and Philip Andrew. His sisters were Sarah, Fanny, Jane Belbin, Annie (who moved to Australia), and Emily Agnes.
The family all came to America at different times. William came with his father and mother and sister, Emily, left Liverpool, England, on October 18, 1871. They crossed the ocean on the steamship “Nevada.” The family all came directly to Henefer, Utah
The first winter in America, William worked for Edward Richins for $1.00 a week. History does not say what kind of work it was but the second winter he worked at the “Church” coal mine drawing coal from the mine with a “gin,” using a horse team. His wages were $1.50 a day.
William married his first wife, Sarah Ann Henefer. William and John were married within a week of each other in June 1876 by the Justice of the Peace. No exact date is given.
In October of 1877, the following people left Henefer for Grouse Creek, to make their homes: William Paskett and his wife Sarah, and one child, Philip and his wife Emma with two children; William Betteridge and his wife Sarah Paskett with two boys; Albert F. Richins and his wife Mary Jane Jones with one child. James R. Simpson and his wife Ellen Shaw with one child had gone in June 1877.
Before leaving, William had bought a wagon for $3.00. He drove a horse and a mule and had two milk cows. The families all moved at one time.
The first night was spent at Morgan, the second at Uintah. At Devil’s Gate the road was very bad and rocky with high mountains on one side and the river on the other. The women got out of the wagons, one man drove the team and the other two men held the wagons on, to keep them from sliding into the river. Ogden was the third night’s camp. At Ogden, William had a calf that had became lame and a boy offered him $5.00 for it so he sold it to him. From Ogden they went to Willard where they found their cattle were gone one morning. They returned to Ogden where they found the lead cow had returned, looking for her calf. They then moved on to Brigham where they stayed for two days.
From Brigham they went to Corinne, then to Connor Springs, then to Blue Creek, crossed over Promontory and camped at Salt Wells. From there they camped one night at each of the following: Locomotive Springs, Kelton, Dove Creek, Muddy and Rocky Pass.

Grouse Creek Ward Choir at the Ogden Tabernacle
Back Row: Don Wakefield, Nadine Simpson, Ida Kimber, Louise Barlow, Wanda Blanthorn, Nola Richins Kimber, Martha Richins, Pearl Douglas Harris, Jennie Douglas Richins, Amy Simpson, Amanda Tanner Paskett, Ralva Paskett, Alta Tanner, Melba Ballingham
Middle Row: Vonda Hadfield, Myrl Hadfield, Elsie Kimber, Barbara Blanthorn, Sarah Roberts, Adella Barlow, Mary Roberts, Sarah Tanner, Adele Carson, Emily Kimber, LaVerne Barlow, Louie Ballingham, Rhea Paskett
Front Row: Claude Wakefield, Elwood Wakefield, Lyman Kimber, Miles E. Wakefield, Joseph Kimber, Newell Richins, LeGrande Horsley, William P. Paskett, Albert Ballingham, Robert Paskett
They reached Grouse Creek at last where they went to the home of Marshall Grover. He took them in overnight. While William was building his house, they lived in a cellar. One day while William was gone, his wife had a baby in this cellar and she was named Penelope Ann.
It was hard to establish homes in Grouse Creek the first few years, cleaning off the land and establishing a new community. Some seasons were good. Some were dry. One year was so dry that William only raised eight bushels of wheat.
William was ordained a Seventy sometime between 1876 and 1877 before leaving Henefer and ordained a High Priest in 1880. He became second counselor to Bishop Charles Kimber Sr. in September 1880. Later William was chosen first counselor to Bishop David H. Toyn. He served in the Bishopric for thirty-four years, and served 21 years with Bishop Toyn. William led the choir for many years and bought the first organ that was ever brought to Grouse Creek. He also served as Mutual President. He was also the road supervisor and opened up the road between Goose Creek and Grouse Creek. He was a carpenter and stone mason by trade and built many homes in Grouse Creek.
William received his citizenship papers on September 26, 1876 from the territory of Utah and to do this he had to renounce his citizenship to England.
William was sealed to his first wife Sarah Ann in the Salt Lake Endowment House and sealed to his second wife, Annie, in the Logan Temple.
William and Sarah had six children. They were Sarah Patience, Penelope Ann, William James, Louisa Emiline, Cora May and Lillian.
William Pope Paskett died on September 24, 1946 at the age of 91 and was buried on September 27 at the Grouse Creek Cemetery.