Kenna Kunzler was born on July 7, 1928 at Park Valley, Utah to Harold L. Kunzler and Vinnie L. Rose. There were two other children in the family, M. Dee Kunzler and Rhea M. Kunzler Smith.
I was blessed on September 23, 1928 by my grandfather, Jacob Kunzler, and was baptized on August 12, 1937 by Jay Pugsley and confirmed on August 13, 1937 by Bishop Fred J. Hirschi.
School consisted of grades one through nine at Park Valley School, then grade ten at Bear River High in Tremonton, Utah. I graduated from Box Elder High School after spending 11th and 12th grades there. Attended Utah State Agriculture College, Logan, Utah and graduated in 1950 with a B.S. degree in Home Economics.
I married Merlin B. Tanner on October 25, 1950 in the Logan LDS Temple by Elder Elray L. Christiansen.
We remodeled the William C. Betteridge home and have lived all our married life here. Merlin is a cattle rancher.
My early life was spent in Rosette, Utah on the home place of my grandfather Jacob Kunzler, he being one of the first settlers in Rosette.
When I was old enough, Summers were spent helping harvest hay. I rode the derrick horse, drove hay rack with hay loader and later set nets and drove a buckrake for college money. Caring for chickens and gathering wood and kindling for us and my Grandmother Kunzler were other jobs.
I belonged to the Rosette LDS Ward until it was combined with the Park Valley Ward. I have always been active in church. Some of my positions were Blazer teacher and other Primary classes through the years. I have been a Relief Society visiting teacher since when I was first married. Other duties were teacher of MIA Maids, Counselor and President in YWMIA, Homemaking Counselor for twenty-five years and Social Relations Teacher in the Relief Society, Sunday School Secretary, Ward Librarian, and work in Family History for the Church.

Blaine, Jay & Loraine Tanner
My community activities included teaching school for one year, a substitute teacher over the years, teacher aide for four years, and P.T.A. President. Also, I worked as Custodian of the Grouse CreekSchool for twenty years.
While Merlin was Manager of the Co-op, I clerked a lot and kept the daily accounts recorded.
In 1980 I became an Emergency Medical Technician and was called to assist many times and go on the ambulance.
Much of the amusement during my teen and early adult years was attending baseball and basketball games and dances with surrounding communities, mainly Grouse Creek, Yost, Almo, Elba, Maltaand dances at Naf, Idaho. Through these activities I met Merlin.
I have had a good life. My father always provided well for us and my mother was an excellent homemaker. Merlin and I have had a good life together. We have five children, Blaine K., Laraine (Hunt), Jay, Brent and Terrie Lynn (Schutz). The Lord has blessed us greatly with good health, sources of making a living, good family and friends.
I’m grateful for the Gospel in my life. It’s been a great source of joy and happiness.