Ray Kimber Family – Back Row: Ray Jr., Judy, Sharon, David. Front Row: Elden, Wilda, Ray, Betty
Betty Jean Kimber was born in Brigham City, just like the rest of us and was raised in the best place in the world, namely, Grouse Creek. There were hills, mountains, creeks, sheds, etc. to explore and enjoy. There were also all kinds of animals to enjoy.
Betty grew up the youngest in our family. She loved to play with all the dolls that Judy and I had received through the years plus the ones that she had received. The only problem was that she left them undressed a lot. So much so that one day Mom had had enough and she sewed the clothes onto the dolls. They were not nearly as much fun to play with after that.
In summer, our toys were located on the front porch and in the winter they were moved into the closet that was located under the stairs. Either place made an ideal place to play. By that time, we had gathered up quite a few toys and Dad would, on the regular basis, take a large box of toys out to the granary unbeknown to us. After a few months he would return it and it would be like Christmas. Of course, then some of the other toys would come up missing. Such was life at the Kimber house.
Betty was able to enjoy other playmates besides her brothers and sisters. When Janet Vasquez moved to Grouse Creek, they became best of buddies and spent many hours playing with paper dolls, etc. Nevertheless, the three of us (Elden, Betty and I) played hours on end. I pulled the both of them miles and miles in Elden’s red wagon. We also played stick horses, paper dolls, went minnow fishing with a can attached to a string, played as if we had ranches (our horses were plastic and the cows were marbles), trucks and many other games.
Betty enjoyed riding and still does. Every year she takes her horse and goes camping. Usually it is up in the Sawtooth National Forest. She goes with Keith and Judy and others. One time, she was in camp alone when she saw a large black object out through the trees. It turned out to be a bear. Almost immediately she was safely established within the truck.
When Betty was growing up, her first horse was part work horse but very beautiful and easy to ride, large and somewhat lazy. Her next horse was a small black mare whose name was Blackie. She was quick and fast and smart. One time while they were out, Blackie started limping. Betty got off and led her home. Once home, Blackie’s leg miraculously got better. What a faker that horse was
After Betty completed the 10th grade at Grouse Creek, she chose to go to Raft River High in Malta. She stayed with Mrs. Inez Barlow for both of the years there. Her house was located about two blocks from the high school so Betty was able to take part in and attend many of the after school activities
After graduating, she went to Burley, rented an apartment on Oakley Avenue and worked at the Del Monte plant. She then obtained a job at the Cassia Memorial Hospital and brought a house. She has worked up through the ranks at the hospital and is now working in the Health Information Services department.
Right after Judy got married and moved to Twin Falls, Betty sold her house and moved in with Mom, Dawna and I. Soon after that all of us decided that we would be happier outside the city limits on a small acreage, so away we went. We found a house situated on three acres, which made it possible for us to have our horses and other animals.
Betty has taken up the hobby of photography and she really enjoys it. She has taken some very good portraits of our family members and of various scenery shots.
Betty’s second job is at the Ark Animal Clinic and it is a good thing. With two dogs, a cat and a horse, she needs a friendly vet.
The three of us like to travel. Every once in a while, we will get a bee in our bonnet and off we will go for a mini trip to wherever. We have had a lot of fun times. Some of the places that we have gone to are places that we will not go back to (like that really high, narrow bridge on the way to Jarbridge) but all of them have been very interesting. And it takes all three of us—one to drive, one to navigate and one to pass out the cookies, snacks, drinks, etc. We enjoy each other.
Betty Jean Kimber passed away on Monday, Feb. 17, 2014, in her sleep at the age of 56. She is buried in the Grouse Creek Cemetery.
(Written by Sharon Kae Kimber, May 1997)