David Max Kimber was born on February 24, 1949 and joined a growing family living in Grouse Creek. This family consisted of the dad, Raymond Hugh Kimber; the mom, Wilda Frost Kimber; a sister, Judy Rae; and a brother, Ray, Jr.
David was born in Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah. When it became almost time for David to be born, a major winter storm arrived which made it almost impossible to travel. If it would have been for any other reason, Dad and Mom would have stayed home and waited out the storm. As it was, off they went. The doctor was simply amazed that they had been able to get through and asked Dad just how they had got there. Mom said they flew. I’m gathering that the drive down was one to remember. That winter was one for the records as far as being a very cold and snowy season.
David grew up in Grouse Creek along with the rest of his brothers and sisters as and when they arrived to be part of this family.

Ray Kimber Family – Back Row: Ray Jr., Judy, Sharon, David. Front Row: Elden, Wilda, Ray, Betty
We lived in a large frame house about four miles south of the church. There was a dirt cellar out back that had a raised entry. At its highest point it was about five feet high. David was an active boy and loved to jump and this made an ideal spot to jump from. He would go up the back of it where the dirt was piled up to the entry point and jump off. He did this time and again. It’s amazing that he grew to be as tall as he did with all that jumping. Mom and Dad had to finally tear the cellar down. They just couldn’t get him to stop.
He was lucky enough to be born just after electricity was brought into Grouse Creek. We had running water and hot water and indoor plumbing. Of course, there were many times when the power would fail especially during the winter storms.
One of the many games that we played was a form of tag. The catch was that you had to stay on wood, whether it was the fences, the buildings or sticks upon the ground. If you were unlucky enough to fall off the wood and touch the ground, you were automatically “It” and the person who had been “It” was now just a player.
Every year we decorated our bikes for the Fourth of July parade. This was a fun time for adults and children. We would meet at 9 o’clock in the morning for the parade and the whole day was spent on fun activities. There was a program, kid’s games, foot races, lunch, ball games, rodeo, horse races and at the end of the day, a dance. When Grouse Creek played, it played hard.
Also a highlight in Grouse Creek was the Christmas Eve dance. One Christmas the dance was canceled because of weather and Santa personally visited each house with the usual sack of candy and fruit. Santa was very dedicated that year. He went to each and every home.
When David got old enough, Santa gave him a very special present—one that he wouldn’t forget. A motorbike!!! Many miles were put on that bike. Horses were never again his choice of transportation, if he could help it.
David went to Yost to stay with Jim and Mary Kimber while he attended Raft River High School in Malta, Idaho. During his senior year, he was elected the student body vice-president.
After high school, David got a job in Strevell as a gas attendant at Durfee’s café. He worked there along with Judy and his cousin, Josie. It was through this job that he was able to buy a pink Cadillac. This car was “cool.” At the starting of winter in 1968, David returned to Grouse Creek. This time to help out on the ranch. With a little help from his mom, he remodeled the old granary located on the lower ranch into a bachelor’s quarters. He had a wood burning kitchen stove in one corner, a bed in another corner, a dining area in the third corner and the fourth corner was the front room. It had no running water. For this he had to bring it from home or get it out of the watering trough. This was what he did until he was drafted into the Marines. That’s right. Drafted into the Marines. They had a need for a few more good men. So, when David’s group got to boot camp they picked out six of the biggest men there and David became one of The Marines. He was shipped to Vietnam and was responsible for maintaining the motor vehicles. He rose to the rank of corporal. When it became time for him to return to the USA, his name was drawn to return earlier than the rest of his outfit, but it would be by slow boat. He chose the boat but wanted to surprise us and thus didn’t inform us that he was on his way home. This was a very hard time for his parents and family because our letters to him were being returned to us and we were not getting any letters from him. He couldn’t because he was somewhere on the ocean. Finally one day, Mom and Dad decided that they were going to have to go to town and contact the Red Cross to see why this was so. But this was also the day that we got word that he was okay and in the United States. Happy Day. We were very glad to have him back home, but I believe that he was the happiest of all.
David got a job in Malta, Idaho, and while there got acquainted with Elizabeth Lucienne Nye. They decided to marry and on May 22, 1972, traveled to Elko, Nevada, and were married. Their reception was held in the Grouse Creek cultural hall.
They made their home in Grouse Creek and David helped Dad run the ranch. Every summer since David was 18, he worked for the BLM as a fire fighter and yard maintenance person. After their marriage, David got a permanent job working for the BLM and at this time is still working for the BLM. He has moved up in responsibilities and rank during the years. He has received various certificates of excellence from the BLM in connection of his work.
David has served the community well, serving on the Co-op board of directors and other community projects. If there is a job to be done or a service to be rendered, David was and is always ready to lend a hand.
David was known for many things, one that stands out above all the rest is his laugh. His laugh was contagious. He was truly a jack of all trades, and frankly speaking the king of most of them. There was nothing that he could not do. He was an excellent mechanic
Elizabeth grew up in Malta, Idaho. Her parents are Afton Don and Ann Nye. They operated a farm and dairy. Since moving to Grouse Creek, Elizabeth (Betty) has served the ward well as a Primary teacher, Relief Society visiting teacher, Relief Society president, Primary president and ward organist. She shares her love of music willingly. Many celebrations, special events and funerals have benefited from her musical talent. She also worked part time at the Post Office and is now cooking lunches for the kids at the Grouse Creek School. Working with children has always been something Betty has enjoyed doing.
David and Betty were blessed with three children: David Wade, Lisa Anne, and Jason.

Jason, Betty, David, Lisa & Wade Kimber
Wade Kimber: When Wade was about six years of age, he succeeded in cutting off the top of his finger. After a fast trip to Burley with child and finger, the finger was reattached perfectly—thanks to David’s fast thinking. He had that finger in ice before a minute had passed.
While growing up, Wade was very involved in church activities, scouting (especially when learning about mountain men skills), hunting and of course, riding his motorbike. He really loved to be around other children. It didn’t matter whether they were older or younger. They were all included in the fun.
When it became time for Wade to leave Grouse Creek to further his education, he also chose Malta for his school. For the 1990-91 school year, he received a plaque for Outstanding Offensive Lineman. While at Malta, he took up skiing, an activity he really enjoyed.
At this time, Wade has two boys, Austin James and David Issac. His wife, Christina Pavlat, and him met in Burley. They were married at the Sweetheart Manor in Burley. Wade is working at Ore-Ida and also paints and repairs autos in his spare time.
Lisa Kimber: Lisa was the apple of her grandfather’s eye. She liked to do whatever he was doing. If he sat upon the floor, so did Lisa. If he went outside to do the chores, so did Lisa. Also, I think that she thought that the braided rug that we had under the dining room table was a racetrack because she made many circles at top speed around that table. We would try to sidetrack her and get her interested in something else but as soon as she could she was back on the track.
While growing up in Grouse Creek, Lisa developed her love for the outdoors. She would go hunting whenever she could and she loved to ride the motorcycle. There were many trails to explore while on a bike. She was active in Mutual, going to girls’ camp and leaning about the outdoors even more.
Lisa attended the high school in Malta also. Schoolwork came easy to Lisa. She was in the “Who’s Who Among American High School Students.” She also made the honor roll. After graduation she worked for a little while before going to Stevens-Henager College. She received the award “Directors List, Highest Honors, 4.0” while there. After graduation she returned to Burley and was hired as a police dispatcher. She answers the incoming emergency and non-emergency phone calls among other duties. And as if that were not enough, she works part-time for the post office. In her spare time, she is learning to jet ski.
Jason Kimber: Jason followed in his brother’s footsteps, only it was his throat that he cut. Another fast trip to Burley and a scar was the outcome of that incident. While playing out by the granary, Jason had fallen off an old desk (while standing on it) and his throat made contact with a piece of metal. It made quite a jagged cut.
For all of Jason’s life, he has been very interested in people and in acting. Every play that the school put on, you could count on Jason to be involved. When he attended Raft River High School, he was able to join a drama club and each year he qualified for and placed in the state drama competition.
During Jason’s first week at school in Malta, a dance was held. Jason danced with every girl there. The following week class elections were held and Jason was elected class president. Way to go! The following year he was chosen to be the student body vice-president. He also received mention in the “Who’s Who Among American High School Students.”
Even though he was busy with his studies and activities, Jason did not forget to give service to the Lord. He has had various callings, many of them in leadership positions.
Jason was elected Student Body President during his senior year, was Mr. R.R.H.S., and was Adam in the school play “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” but more important, he received the President’s Leadership Council Scholarship. This is a full four-year scholarship to Utah State University located in Logan, Utah. He serves on the Presidential Leadership Council along with eighteen other young people. This council was selected from 300 applicants from around the United States. They are ambassadors to USU and help the president of the university plan the activities.
After attending USU for a year, Jason received another honor. He was called to serve a mission to the Melbourne Australia Chinese Speaking Mission. He entered the MTC on his birthday, October 2, 1996. While there he was called as the assistant to the branch president. Two months later, he flew to Australia and at the time of this writing, is serving the Lord. We look forward to his return.
David Max Kimber passed away peacefully in his home in Grouse Creek, Utah on October 10, 2016. He is buried in the Grouse Creek Cemetery.
Written by Sharon Kae Kimber