Alice Kimber Blanthorn was born on January 18, 1868 in the Long Lane, Bucklebury, Berkshire County, England, the daughter of Edward Kimber and Mary Stambrook. She had the following brothers and sisters: Fannie Kimber Morgan born on August 20, 1872; Elizabeth Ann and Ellen were twins born on April 13, 1870; Mary Ann Kimber Blackburn born on February 6, 1875; and Edward Charles Kimber born on June 8, 1878.
Long Lane was a little village about four miles from the largest town Newbury. Alice attended her first school in Courage, a town about one and one half miles through commons which were brushy and surrounded by woods. She had to walk to school alone and so was sometimes afraid. Her second school was at Ermit Edge which was a girls school. It was at this school she learned to read, write and knit. She attended a regular school until she was eleven years of age.
In 1868 her grandfather Charles Kimber joined the Mormon Church. He came to America

1948 – Alice Blanthorn
in a sailing vessel. It took them a long time to cross the ocean in those days. They settled in Tooele, Utah. They later moved to Grouse Creek in Box Elder County, Utah. There they homesteaded a farm.
In 1879 Alice’s father and mother decided to come to America to Zion, where they could worship as they wanted to. The youngest child, Charles, was not very well but the doctor said he thought he could stand the trip.
Grandmother Stambrook was very sad to see them leave their native land and go to a new country so far away. They were also very sad to leave her because they were so dear to each other. They sailed for America on the steamship Wyoming. This was quite an adventuresome trip for the family, especially the children. On the ship Alice met a lady who showed her how to write her first letter which she sent back to her Grandmother Stambrook.

Albert & Alice Blanthorn
The little family landed in Castle Garden, New York. This was somewhat different from the ship but they met up with many experiences. On one occasion a mob gathered and threw rotten eggs at the train because it was carrying Mormons.
At Ogden, Utah they were met by Uncle Charles and Aunt Lizzie Kimber. They took them the rest of the way to Grouse Creek in a wagon. When they got to Brigham City, the baby Charles became very ill. Grandmother Kimber boarded the train so she could hurry on faster to Grouse Creek and give the baby the care he needed. He died before she reached there. This now left the family with three girls to take up their lives in this new and wonderful land. They homesteaded a farm and were very happy to be living together again as one big family.
Grandfather Charles Kimber Sr. was at this time Bishop of the Grouse Creek. Alice was thirteen years old. By building a dam in the creek they obtained enough water for Grandfather Kimber to baptize her. In 1885 they organized the first primary in Grouse Creek. Amanda Morgan Barlow was president with Sister Atkinson as first counselor and Alice as second counselor. She was seventeen years old at the time.
In 1886 Alice, with her father and mother, went to Salt Lake City to the temple. Alice had her own endowments and for her mother’s sister, Harriet Stambrook Treacher. She was baptized for thirty. Soon after sister Atkinson decided to go with her family to Idaho. The primary was reorganized with Alice as President. She served in this office for fifteen years. She also served as Relief Society teacher for many years.
In 1900 Alice moved with her father and mother to Idaho. The next spring Alice went back to Salt Lake City and was married May 22, 1901 to William Robert Blanthorn in the Salt Lake Temple by President Windsor.
They made their home in the Wilford Ward. Soon after they went to live with her husband’s parents to care for his invalid mother. While they were living in Box Elder County they were visited by many prominent church members among whom were President Clawson, counselor Kelly and Brother Madsen who was counselor in Box Elder Stake and had been called into the Salt Lake Temple. They inquired where Alice and her husband were living and came to pay them a visit. He asked Alice to come to the temple and be blessed before her son was born. Alice went to the temple and Brother Madsen gave her a most wonderful blessing. Her son, Albert William was born on August 12, 1902.
In 1905 her mother-in-law died. In the spring of 1906 they made ready to move to Idaho to make their home. They made their home in the Archer Ward, Freemont Stake. In 1907 her husband was called into the Bishopric as counselor to Brother George Briggs.
Alice taught in Primary until it was reorganized then they chose her as counselor to Sister Anna Olsen with Sister Mary Ann Weeks as the second counselor. She also served as teacher in the Sunday School. She has spent many years serving in the Church.
Her husband passed away in 1918 leaving her and her son Albert alone. She lived near her father and mother all these years. She spent many hours a day helping her mother and father. She used to make all her mothers bread and make her bed every day. Her mother passed away on January 11, 1920. She went to live with her father to care for him. He was getting feeble and could not hear very well.
In May 1920 her sister Mary Ann died, leaving Rostan to her care at the age of five months. This took lots of her time and care but she wanted to do what she could to help her loved ones. Her father died on October 16, 1925 leaving her and Rostan and her son Albert to carry on alone.
Rostan since has been inducted into the service. The most part of her life has been spent in helping and caring for others. She had many hardships and discouragements but she carried them through with a smile. She is known to everyone for the lessons and example she taught.
By Mrs. Afton Ellis Butler