Doris & Hilda Betteridge
Doris Betteridge Flinders was born November 26, 1908 in Grouse Creek, Utah a daughter of William C. and May Elizabeth Hadfield Betteridge.
Her brother and sisters are: Kenneth, Thelma, Wilma, Clara, Betty, Hilda and Ella.
She lived in Grouse Creek until 1926 when she moved to Ogden, Utah, She graduated from Ogden High School.
She married Hyrum Richard Flinders in the Salt Lake Temple on October 3, 1934. He died October 7, 1965. Their children are: Gary, Robert, James, Coy Ann and Mary Beth.
Doris was an active member of the LDS Church all of her life. She served as the Sunday School Coordinator and teacher for many years.
She worked for Utah Knitting Mills for many years, later working at Utah Tailoring Mills. She then went to work for the Defense Depot Ogden until she retired.
Much of her life revolved around her family, especially her grandchildren, always participating and supporting their school, church and recreational activities. She was always there to support them.
She died March 10, 1996 and is buried in the Aultorest Memorial Park, Ogden, Utah.