Evan Lamont Kimber was born in Grouse Creek, Utah on August 14, 1908. His parents were Charles William and Agnes Malinda Jones Kimber.
Evan lived in Grouse Creek for twenty-one years. While residing there he enjoyed horses and riding. When Evan was five years old he was severely burned. It happened in January. He was cuddled with his dog, Old Spotty, in the space behind the cook stove. A large container of frozen milk had been placed on the stove to thaw out so that it could be fed to some baby pigs. All at once the milk began to boil and as it was hurriedly lifted off the stove, the bottom of the bucket stuck to the stove and the boiling milk spilled all over Evan and the dog. It was a terrible, traumatic thing to happen.
Evan suffered terribly during the following weeks and months. At times he was unconscious for days at a time. His mother Lindy was at his side constantly, day and night, as one complication after another set in. They decided to take him to Heber City, where Lindy could be with her parents and where Evan could be under a doctor’s care. Dr. Wherritt was kind and considerate and very patient, but it was weeks before they returned home. Many prayers and priesthood administrations helped in Evan’s recovery.

Ivan Kimber, Ellis Wakefield, Evan Kimber, Dorotha Christiansen, Archie Toyn, Lester Ballingham & August Rytting
He had four brothers, Charles Eldred, Warren Vaughn, Myron George and Francis Russell.
In February 1934, at the age of twenty-five, Evan married Agnes Mills Stirling in Evanston, Wyoming. They were married for thirty-six years.
Evan and Agnes had a travel trailer that they enjoyed traveling in. They were always in search of great fishing spots.
Agnes died on March 24, 1970.
Evan never lost his love of horses, and in the sixties as co-owner with his son-in-law Ervin Carter, they raced a team of cutter horses. Many Saturdays were spent shivering with cold and excitement at the races.
During the depression Evan worked with the W.P.A. helping to build the Pine View Reservoir, and also the road to Snow Basin. He worked at Hill Air Force Base but left that job when he was told it would be closing after the end of the war.

Evan, Eldred, Vaughn, Agnes Malinda, Myron & Russell Kimber
In 1941 Evan began working for the Southern Pacific Railroad. He began as a fireman at the time of the steam engine. He retired in 1973 as an engineer. His runs were to Carlin and Wells, Nevada.
Evan married Louise H. Wallace on November 9, 1973 in Brigham City, Utah.
Evan and Louise lived in Kaysville, Utah. They enjoyed bowling and bowled in a senior league for several years.
Evan died at his home in Kaysville on February 17, 1986 and is buried in the Washington Heights Memorial Park. He had two daughters, Charlene Phillips and Shirley Clark, four grandchildren, ten great grandchildren, and two great-great grandchildren.
Submitted by Shirley Kimber Carter Clark – 4/17/97