Gordon William Hadfield, the first son of William and Grace Jorgensen Hadfield was born on August 18, 1912 on a sugar beet farm located west of Smithfield, Utah, called Amalga, Utah.
He was delivered by a midwife, Aunt Maria Toombs. She is a sister of Graces’ father, Isaac Jorgensen. Gordon was born a healthy robust dark headed boy and off to a good start.

Gordon, Ronald & Myrl Hadfield
During the first few months of his life a devastating hailstorm struck and almost destroyed their beautiful garden and sugar beet crop. Due to this crop failure, lack of funds and discouragement, William moved his family back to Grouse Creek, where his parents and siblings lived, and what he felt best for his new family. Thus Gordon got his roots firmly planted in Grouse Creek, Utah.

Gordon, Ronald, Grace, Norman, William, Elden & Myrl Hadfield
From the journal written by his mother, Gordons’ life has been one full of responsibility, sharing and working, intermittently sparked with the joy of family activity. He became the big brother, protector and the hero to all of his younger brothers and sisters. His main education came from the school of real life experiences where the classroom learning was interrupted greatly as he was regularly needed to help with major farm work of planting, irrigating the fields, harvesting crops, caring for the livestock, etc., especially as the health of his father declined and added responsibility became a part of his young life. His father passed away, leaving Gordon nearly seventeen years old at the time, with a man’s responsibility for the farm and family, together with his brave young mother.

Left to Right – Lester Ballingham, August Rytting, Gordon Hadfield, Irene Warburton, Grant Kimber, Emily Kimber, Mertrice Ballingham, Fern Kimber, Wilma Betteridge, Myrl Hadfield, Bessie Shaw, Dave Thomas, Mildred Toyn & Louise Barlow

Back Row: William, Grace, Gordon, Myrl – Second Row: Elden, Norman, Ronald – Front Row: Max, Nina, Amy, Vonda
Gordon proved his mettle. He courageously carried on, put his shoulder to the wheel and filled his father’s shoes completely. In all of our hearts and minds he truly won the prize. Gordon had some good school years at Grouse Creek and was truly loved and highly respected for the good work he did there. One teacher named LaRue Burnham truly cared for and about him.
Gordon married Lorna Amy Kimber in the Salt Lake Temple on June 26, 1940. They are the parents of one daughter, Norma Jean, seven grandchildren and nine great grandchildren (two more expected in May 1996).

Gordon Hadfield & Oren Kimber
The following is quoted from the Oakley Herald dated June 1944.
Tragedy hit hard this community when death stalked in and took from us one of our most beloved and respected citizens on June 14.
Gordon Hadfield son, of Mrs Grace Jorgensen Hadfield, met with an accident at home which from all appearances brought instant death. He was alone on the place at the time, his wife and three-year-old daughter being at the home of a neighbor.
The accident was first discovered by Archie Toyn, a nearby neighbor. He went to the family car near the corral only to find Gordon in the drivers seat with his head locked securely, being pinioned between the door and the car frame, the door being held firmly by a rake wheel which had caught the door handle and held it in a vice-like grip.

Gordon, Elden & Ronald Hadfield
From all outward evidence it is presumed that he was looking backward at his loaded trailer through the partially opened door when contact was made with the rake wheel. It is presumed he died instantly, as there was no evidence of a struggle.
Word soon spread over the community, and soon, ready and willing neighbors and friends were on hand to render every service possible.
Gordon, at the time of his father’s death in 1929, was a boy of sixteen, being the oldest child in the family of ten children.
It is marvelous indeed how he, as a boy of his age, stepped, as it were, into his fathers shoes and assumed, by the side of his mother, the responsibility of the home, and the care of this family of young children.
Many have been the self denials and sacrifices on his part, that the family should have everything essential for their comfort and welfare.
Many a father of mature years would be found less competent to plan and provide, than this boy of tender years. Never once has he been known to shirk or ease up in his efforts to carry on as a father would have done, facing the same responsibilities.