Judy is the first child of Raymond Hugh and Wilda Frost Kimber. She was born on September 20, 1943, in Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah. Growing up on a ranch offered many opportunities to get into mischief and to just have fun. Her companion while growing up was her younger brother, Ray Jr., and boy, did the two of them have fun. There were the chickens to tease along with many other animals. Fences and buildings were for climbing on and for falling off of. Horses were for riding, which they did as often as they were allowed. There was even more than a few times that Judy rode over to Etna to be with her friend, Kathleen Mecham. This would be in the summer when they didn’t get to see each other every day at school.
Judy was baptized in the Etna reservoir. She was one of the last ones to be baptized in Grouse Creek because the new stake house in Oakley was built with a baptismal room.
Judy attended the Grouse Creek School until the end of her tenth year and then she went to Tremonton and boarded during her junior year with Doug and Luana Richins. During her senior year she stayed with Wellington and Sophie Richins. It was from Bear River High School that she graduated.
When she turned twenty-one, she was called to serve as a missionary in the Northern California Mission.

Ray Kimber Family – Back Row: Ray Jr., Judy, Sharon, David. Front Row: Elden, Wilda, Ray, Betty
On June 1, 1968, Judy married Robert Dean Barnedt at Grouse Creek. She had met Bob while she was working at the cafe in Strevell. To this couple three children were sent — Robert Dean Barnedt II, Robin Lynne Barnedt, and Scott Raymond Barnedt. Robin lived for only 15 days. This was a very rough time in Judy’s life. She had wanted this little girl so much. They buried Robin in the Grouse Creek cemetery.
Bob and Judy decided to divorce soon after Scott was born and Judy moved back to Grouse Creek to raise her two boys and in 1977 took the job of school cook. With the help of her parents, she was able to get a trailer home, which was placed just south of the house.
While in Grouse Creek, Judy served as a Primary counselor, Cub Scout leader, and Relief Society visiting teacher. Judy and I also organized the ward library when it was decided to centralize the pictures each teacher had into one place within the church house.

Santa Clause, Gail Toyn, Judy Rae Kimber, Joetta Kimber, Norma Jean Hadfield, Mary Lou Thomas, Fae Tanner, Carolyn Kimber, Ilene Ballingham, Rosalie Ballingham
Back Row – Shirley Tanner, Kathryn Kimber, Marlene Toyn, Patsy Blanthorn, Merle Tanner, Carol Tanner
Teachers – Martha Kimber and Louisa Roberts
In 1981, Wilda, Judy and Sharon decided to move to Burley, Idaho, for a variety of reasons–the main one being Dawna, Dean and Scott’s education. We bought a home in the southwest part of Burley and lived there for four years. During those four years, Judy worked at Burger King. She also met and dated Dennis Glade Weeks and they married. He had children, she had children, and then they had children. This made for an interesting life. Dennis worked in and around the Twin Falls area until 1990, at which time they moved to California. He had received a better job offer than his present one.
Tarisa and Steven are attending school and are active in their Primary classes. Tarisa is very involved in school activities and is a cheerleader for her school. When Steven was about three years of age, the three of us here in Burley (Wilda, Sharon and Betty) went down to visit with them for about a week. While there all of us went to Disneyland and had a great time. At Disneyland, Steven lost Gran. (Actually he wasn’t real clear on our names. He thought that both Mom and I were called Gran.) So when he couldn’t find Mom, he asked us where the “white-haired Gran” was.
We miss them and look forward to the time they return to Idaho.
Robert Dean Barnedt II: Growing up in Grouse Creek also provided Bob (or Dean, as he is known by in Grouse Creek) plenty of memories. I will never forget the time Scott, Gail Berchtold’s boys and him pretended that they were this very cool rock band. I got a picture of them but I wish that camcorders could have been around at that time. They were doing a fairly good job of singing.
After Bob got through with his schooling, he joined the armed forces and traveled around a bit. While he was visiting his mom, he met Cathy Ann Reed in Twin Falls and they married and had two boys, Robert Dean Barnedt III and Matthew Bryant Barnedt. After his service in the army was terminated, they lived in the Twin Falls area. Bob and Cathy later divorced.
Bob is, at this time, living in California. He likes to rent video games and movies. He also takes long walks.
Scott Raymond Barnedt: Scott always came over to say “hi” to Grandpa every morning and to join him for breakfast. It didn’t matter that Judy had just fed him at their house. He was a growing boy and had lots of room for food. He was Grandpa’s shadow. He also had a cool playmate, his cousin. They were born in the same year and enjoyed being with each other—which is still true today. Only it’s a little harder to do now that they are both married and have families of their own.
Scott married Sabrina Osterhout in the Logan temple and while on their way back from the temple there was a major snowstorm. They closed the road just after they passed Snowville. If they had been 10 minutes later they would have spent their first night as a married couple in the school with a whole lot of other people. And then they got stuck going from Burley to Paul. What a night to remember!
They now have a little boy, Chase Raymond. He is a miracle baby and one of the many babies that have been helped by the wonderful people at the Primary Children’s Hospital.
Scott and Sabrina are now living in Twin Falls, Idaho, and are the managers of Little Caesar’s Pizza. Chase is two now and is doing wonderful.
After living about ten years in California, they moved back to Idaho. They were later sealed in the Idaho Falls Temple for time and eternity and have been married for 30 years. Judy’s family was her priority and she loved doing things with them whether it was preparing a meal, doing scrap-booking, playing games or just visiting.
Judy Rae Kimber Barnedt Weeks passed away at home with family on Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014, after a valiant battle with cancer. She was 70 and living in Paul, Idaho. She is buried in the Grouse Creek Cemetery.
(Written by Sharon Kae Kimber, April 1997 and updated in August 2014)