Lorenzo Dowe Mecham & Mary Ann Clark Mecham
Mary Ann Clark was born in Colchester, Essex County, England, on November 18, 1842, a daughter of William Clark Jr. and Mary King. She became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in about 1862.
She left England on June 3, 1864 on the ship “Hudson” and arrived in New York on August 19, 1864.
She crossed the plains with the William Hyde Handcart Company, finally arriving in Utah on October 19, 1864. She lived in Morgan, Utah a short time and went to Salt Lake Cityfor about a month, and then moved to Grantsville where she lived with the family of Alma Hale for a few months. Here she became acquainted with Lorenzo Dowe Mecham and they received their endowments and were married in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City on September 9, 1865.
They lived in Grantsville until 1877, when they moved to Grouse Creek, Utah. They raised a family of four girls and two sons. Their names were Mary Ann, Lorenzo William, Annie Louisa, Emma Elizabeth, Martin Daniel, and Sarah Ruth. Another daughter, Lucina Clark, died shortly after birth in Grouse Creek.
Mary Ann Clark Mecham enjoyed good health and lived alone in her later life, but during March 1930 two of her sons died within a week and the shock broke her health. She died on September 4, 1930 at Grouse Creek, Utah and is buried in the Grouse Creek Cemetery.