Ranching plays a big part in both the social and economic part of the residents of Grouse Creek. Every resident is involved in some sort of ranching activity throughout the year and all of the surrounding area is used for grazing cattle sometime during the year. Each spring when the cattle are gathered from their winter ranges, the newborn calves are branded before moving them to the spring and summer pastures. The following videos demonstrate how branding has become a family affair and is passed along from generation to generation.
Grazing cattle on the range mean being good stewards of the land. Growing good grass and maintaining a balance ecosystem not only benefits the livestock, but it also benefits the many wildlife in the area. Sage Grouse was once listed as a threatened species but with the efforts of the local ranchers, the habitat has been improved and the birds are no longer considered for listing. The following video shows you some of the efforts being done by the Della Range to be good stewards of the land they call home.
Environmental Stewards – Della Ranch

Thrashing Machine: George Paskett, Willington Richins, Newell Richins, Moroni Tanner, Uknown, Uknown, Orson Richins – Haystack: Unknown, Ralph Tanner, Valison Tanner Jr., Uknown, Sidney Paskett – Ground: Lorenzo Richins, Wilford Richins, Albert F. Richins and Phillip Paskett

1921 Cow Outfit – Alfred Toyn on the right.

William (Bill) Cooke, Thomas Thomas, Martin Mecham, Elmer Kimber & Heber Simpson

Gordon, Elden & Ronald Hadfield

Archie Toyn, Elden Hadfield & Ronald Hadfield