4th of July Planning Meeting

We had our first planning meeting for the 4th of July Friday night and it is going to be awesome. Queen Contest, Kids Rodeo, Dances, Breakfast, Parade, Program, Lunch, Carnival Rides, ATV Ride, Classics Car and Tractors, More Rodeo and More Dancing. There is even going to be an appearance by an Apache Helicopter before the parade. The celebration will be on the 6th and 7th this year.

But we need some help. We are looking for anyone who wants to do the concessions at the rodeo grounds on Friday Night and Saturday afternoon. We are also looking for someone who is interested in organizing the program. We have lots of help, but can’t do it all.

Just reply to this message if you are interested in helping us out. Our next meeting will be on 5/11 at 7:30 PM at the school. If you can’t make it to Grouse Creek, we can include you on a conference call. Just let me know and I will send you the information. alan.smith@grousecreek.com

Thanks, Alan Smith

4th of July 2016








Grouse Creek’s 4th of July Celebration will take place June 30th to July 2nd. Here is the schedule:


  • 6:00 PM: Kids Rodeo enter by 5:45 PM
    Contact Vonda for more info.


  • 2:00 PM: 2-man round pen sorting.
    • $45 Pick one Draw 2
    • 2 rounds entries close 1:45pm
  • 5:00-8:00 PM: Barbecue Beef Dinner at Rodeo Grounds
    • $10 per plate
  • 6:00 PM Muley Team Roping
    • Pick one Draw one
    • 3 head progressive after 1
    • $30 per man entries (close 5:30 PM)
  • 9:00 PM Wayne Hoskins Band & Dance
    • Gate admission (includes Dance):
      • $5 for 12yrs and over
      • $3 for 6yrs-12yrs,
      • Under 6yrs: Free


  • 8 am-Pancake Breakfast at the Rodeo Grounds
  • 10 am- Flag Raising and parade
    • This year’s theme for the parade is “The Legacy They Left Us”
  • 11 am-Patriotic Program at the church
  • 12 pm- Luncheon following program at church
  • 1 pm- Concessions available
  • 1-3 pm- ATV Dice Run
    • $5 per ATV
    • contact LindsayTanner: 801-821-7870 or LLTanner@q.com
  • 4 pm- Silver Bit Team Branding Keep the same info as last year
  • 5 pm: Dinner
  • 8 pm – Dance at School
  • RV Hookups & Camping Sites Available
  • FREE Country Carnival- Biggest Slip & Slide, Dunking Booth, Horse walker Carousel etc.


Cemetery Cleanup Day 2016

We had another very successful cemetery cleanup this year. Thanks again to all those who came out and helped!

Service Project – Cemetery Benches

Bob Flinder’s grandson, Shawn Flinders, is doing a Eagle Project For the Grouse Creek cemetery to provide benches.

They are accepting any kind of money donations any one would like to make to:

Send to Shawn Flinders
7486 South 1900 East.
South Weber Utah 84405

They would like to get them as soon as possible so they can have them ready for the cemetery cleanup day on May 13th.

Would like donations before May 1, 2016.

Cemetery Cleanup Day 2016

The annual cemetery cleanup will be Saturday, May 14. The LDS Branch will provide lunch meat, cheese, rolls, and condiments. They will also have lemonade and water. They will also have plates, cups, and utensils.
Everyone is invited to eat and if possible, bring a salad or dessert.


Grouse Creek Rodeo Queen Pageant

For the first time Grouse Creek is going to have a rodeo queen and princess pageant. Ages for the queen will be 11 to 16 and the princess will be 6 to 10 years old. The pageant will be held on May 20th.
It will be open for any girls in Idaho, Utah or Nevada. For more information and requirements you can message Sarah Boyer Warr, call 435-747 -151, or email boyer326@gmail.com. There will be various prizes for participants.